
DEVOPS & Microservices

Docker | Kubernetes | Ansible | Jenkins | GIT | AWS

Web Development

MongoDB | NodeJS | ExpressJS | ReactJS | LAMP Stack | Python + Flask


DApps | Ethereum | Smart contracts


Projects Completed


Coprights & Research Papers


Hackathons & Competitions

SOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea

Solas is a smarter system which would enhance the costal security and automatically categorize vessels as registered and unregistered moving within 50 NM of the coast
Display vital information such as vessel name, owner’s name, status and live tracking of the ship ( Using GSM and GPS ), all integrated into smart dashboard with periodic alerts.

Developed this project in ASEAN INDIA HACKATHON 2021

Gideon - Decentralized File System

Gideon is Peer to peer file uploading system based on Blockchain Technology.

Ethereum | Smart Contract | IPFS

Play With VM

Play with VM is a Linux lab that provides on-demand virtual machines using container technology hosted on AWS.

Docker | Jenkins | Python | Flask | Ansible | AWS

Issac - Answer engine

Issac is the computational answer engine that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from externally sourced curated data and from various APIs.

Python | Flask | NLP

God's Eye - Facial Recognition Software

Real time Face recognition by mobile phone using OpencV

OpenCV | Python | Arduino

Sphere - Pollution Detection System

Sphere pollution detection system is an IOT device connected on your vehicle so whenever your vehicle produce smoke in more than limit (6 norms ) then you get a notification and after 3 notification, your location with vehicle details send to RTO

Arduino | MQ9 gas sensor | GSM sim900A | GPS Module | Python

API Marketplace

API Marketplace is a Open-source project for Publishing Your APIs at Free

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Issac- Answer Engine

Open-Source computational answer engine able to answer all questions including mathematics stuff.

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pip3 install bitlocate
Python package which gives the information about the location with it's weather conditions from geo-coordinates

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